A couple weeks ago I was at DeLa's buying shoes. In front of the shoe display was a pose ball, that I promptly clicked on. Sooooo perfect for taking shoe pics, I IM'd Kuranosuke Kamachi to ask (beg) if she sold that pose. She told me she was working on some poses and she'd let me know as soon as they were available. Welllll, I had no idea she was making hunnerds of poses!
How many

Not only poses, Kuranosuke has some amazing animations too. Reeeally cute sits and a few gems to load into your Huddles. There is a little model-spin animation called Brava that I am so tempted into loading into my AO...just for a day or so.
Dress - M * A * ii * K * I - Strapless & Patent Scarlet Red
Shoes & Poses - DeLa* - Stella Pumps
Bracelet - *EMJ* - Elegance Simple Bangles
Ring - *EMJ* - Shelby's Engagement Ring Multi-Metal/Gem Exclusive
Hair - Truth - Trisha in Java
Skin - PXL - Crys Fashion Eyes & Natural Lips
And where can we find the poses, please?
Thanks Jeannie...they're at DeLa :) *runs off to edit the post*
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